It has been quite an adventure these last few months. I don't really think anyone besides my sister reads what I put on here, but you never know and it is nice to let my feelings out. My last post once read "I'm a Lucky Woman", the post may no longer exist but that hasn't changed. I spoke of re-uniting with someone who made me happy. We have gone our separate ways, and I don't know if he will ever want to re-unite our friendship again. Even if he doesn't, I gave him a piece of my heart, and he will always have it. I will always love and care even when it hurts to do so. It has been over a month since the split, and not a day goes by do I wake up wishing it were Valentines Day. He has bought a house now, and I wish him all the best. I hope he finds happiness and someone who could love him better then I could. I have no regrets, I miss my friend and I miss his family especially his sister who loved me from the start. Part of me is convinced that I let him down, however I trust the Lord and I know in my heart that if he wanted us to remain together it would have worked. The Lord never gave up on me, and I continue to feel his love everyday. I also know that like every caring father he wants nothing more than for his daughter to be happy. My faith, testimony, and having the love of a great family, and the best of friends makes me the Luckiest Woman ever. As for finding love, my heart is still open, and giving up was never an attribute I really developed. I'm not angry, or bitter and I can honestly say I never was. When the depression sets in, I have angels who come to my rescue. I'm grateful for my family, my close friends, and my amazing roommates here at school. I know I am ok, and that I am loved.